Posted by: mutantpoodle | March 25, 2009

Press Conference Tidbits

Three thoughts:

  1. If the “major”newspapers want to get called on at Obama News Conferences, maybe they should ask good questions when they have the chance. Specifically, Michael Fletcher of the Washington Post, A-Rod’s steroid problems don’t make the cut.
  2. I know I’m not the first to point this out, Chuck Todd, but perhaps people who have lost over half of their retirement savings, their jobs, and are on the verge of losing their houses because of the insanely irresponsible actions of other people have already sacrificed enough. Jeeez.
  3. I want to thank Ed Henry for making Obama hulk out (to the extent that he does – video above, with the key part at the end) and smack you down for your persistence on the “two day delay” question about AIG bonuses. And while I’m pretty sure that you don’t like Barack Obama when he’s mad, I have to say I enjoyed it quite a bit.

Oh, and whoever put together the list of questioners for Obama this time, I’d vote for hearing Ana Marie Cox’s question before the almost guaranteed to be wing-nutty question from the Washington Times.

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